Why Do Websites Use Blue Color? Let’s Understand How Color Psychology Draws More Traffic

23rd July, 2022

Color Psychology in Web Design

Building a website requires a lot of things! It necessitates a proper palette along with the technical pieces of stuff that are needed to make the website stable. Color is extremely important for a website because it is one of the first things that a person notices on a website. It portrays the purpose and goal of the site as well. But do you know that among all in the palette, Blue is the most popular one? Also, it has imposed a psychological impact on the onlookers.

According to the study of color psychology, this component instigates many emotions in a person. It is a thing that helps to establish the purpose of the website. It is the very first thing that attracts us and intrigues us to proceed more to the website. Different shades have various impacts on people, but for any website, blue plays an extremely effective role.  

Blue holds a lot of meaning within them, as it stands for words like ‘depth’, ‘strength’, ‘permanence’, ‘trust’, ‘loyalty’, ‘faith’, and so many things. All these can be used to make the website more approachable.  

There are diverse meanings behind different shades of blue:

  • Light blue stands for refreshing and welcoming aspects.
  • Bright blue shows creativity and productivity.
  • Dark blue is used for showing reliability and strength.
  • Muted blue indicates trustworthiness and respect.

Different shades of blue have the potential to showcase various aspects, which helps to portray on a website.

The reasons behind using blue are –

It appeals to all:

In the palette, Blue attracts both men and women. That is why websites take the benefit of it while making the logo. Most of the website has various shades of blue to attract visitors. From studies, it is known that blue has very positive vibes which is why it is liked by everyone. For the welcoming and transparency trait, this color has become so popular among all. Only, for this reason, a maximum number of websites contain blue in their logo.

Helps to promote interaction:

All the websites have been made for communication and blue intrigues this notion behind making the website. It also represents communications and engagement. It gives a sense of transparency and safety to the audience. Different websites use various shades of blue that suit their purpose. Along with that, it doesn’t distract the onlookers with its unpleasant hue. It is not a vibrant one, so helps to focus and attract the audience.

Blue is inclusive:

Through a study, it is coming to be known that a large part of the population is colorblind to paint like green and red but everybody can recognize Blue easily. It is catchy and iconic, and everyone can figure it out quickly. For having all these traits blue is considered the most useful hue that can be used on websites.

Contrast and placement:

Adding contrast color in the background and text in the blue gives a subtle tone. It easily attracts visitors. These minimalistic pop-up designs assist to accumulate more visitors in less amount of time. it is one of the main reasons to create a website, which can be done by using blue in the logo.

These are the reason behind making the websites blue. By doing so, the website has gotten many visitors and succeeded to make an impact on the onlookers. The trustworthiness aspect of them has helped to establish the websites. Along with that, the pretty clear shade assists to promote interactions, and connection, and also encourages creativity.

Tags: Color Psychology in Web Design, Psychology of Color in Web Design