Why Should You Hire a PR Distribution Site?

27th April, 2024

PR Distribution Site

The concept of a press release has been around since the early 1900s, but in the late 1960s, it became widely popular as a marketing tool for businesses. Traditionally press releases are great communication tools as they allow businesses to communicate with their shareholders directly, sharing any message that they want. PRs (Press Releases) are brand announcements that are made directly to the media in the hope of gaining positive coverage. However, businesses have found a way to use this content as a marketing tool, promoting the service, or product that the company offers, sometimes just the company itself.

Now most people think that press release distribution is just the process of sending the content out to everyone on their media list, but when done correctly, the internal process looks so much more and brings more benefits than ever! While generating leads for your company, PRs are still one of the most effective ways to get your message out in the media, so doing it with a professional distribution network makes it so much better, bringing better results. Now let’s get into the benefits of hiring a PR distribution site.

What is the Press Release Distribution?

Before going into why you should do the distribution using a professional company, let’s get into what press release distribution means. PR distribution is a strategic method that businesses and organizations from all around the world use to communicate their message with journalists, news and media outlets, and a wider public pool. A well-executed PR distribution involves crafting a well-written, precise, and influential press release. Then it must be distributed through various strong distribution channels which can comprise journalists, media and news outlets, bloggers, social media platforms, etc. then this process must be repeated quite a few times over a year so that it can increase brand awareness in the market, positioning the brand as a leader, and increasing its media presence. So the benefits of a press release and its ideal distribution are numerous, and here are some of them.

1. The Size does not Matter

If you own a small business or a startup, you might think it might not be for you because not that many people know about business. At the same time, if you have a successful business, you might think that publishing press releases with quality distribution does not bring you anything extra. However, when it comes to press release distribution, any and every business can get some benefits. No matter what industry you are in, or how big or small the brand is, everyone can benefit from PR distribution. Even if you don’t have that big and starry story about your brand, you still have stories that can get you coverage in magazines, trade journals, podcasts, blogs, and other publications that cover your story. So press release distribution is not just about getting your message across, but also bringing publicity in.

2. Inexpensive

As mentioned before, using press releases as marketing tools started late, but since it started, it has not stopped. Publishing PR content regularly increases your brand’s visibility and awareness in the market. Now if you look at other advertising or marketing techniques, it will require heavy expenses, while press releases are fairly inexpensive. Most companies craft their own PR content, they only spend money when they hire a distribution network. This is used to get the story into the hands of key media members very strategically. So whenever it is compared to advertising, press release distribution services are always the more affordable way out for companies. Even if you cannot craft your own press releases, some distribution companies will even give you a package where you can include the writing and distribution at a cheaper price.

3. More Visibility

PRs can boost your company’s visibility in the industry. If you own a small business and you think not many people know about your company, it is high time you consider press release distribution and organically increase brand awareness. However, even large companies also fight to get the right consumer mindset, and distributing PRs is one effective way to do so. When you stick to a long-time PR distribution strategy, you can let your customers know who you are, what you do, what you offer, and most importantly, why they need you. At the same time, you also gain attention from journalists and media outlets. Over time, these news and media outlets start to trust you more, giving your story more priority.

4. Brand Positioning

When your press release is distributed correctly, the story will be placed at the top-rated media outlets. This will increase the readers’ trust in your brand as it will be associated with premium news outlets. Soon they will start looking at your brand as you are an industry expert. But what good will it bring? Well, the exposure will help you gain trust from your customers and once they trust your company, they will be more interested in what you have to offer. So they will be more likely to buy from you. However, being an expert is also beneficial for media relations in the industry. This can result in a strong relationship between you and the media and whenever they have a story connected to your industry, you could be the one with an expert opinion. 

5. Spread Like Wildfire

A good press release with a solid distribution network can spread widely and far. Even if you first work with smaller media publications, a good story gets picked up on and soon you will reach bigger media outlets, translating to a bigger audience pool. In today’s digital world, you are no longer crafting the PR content just for the reporters, you can directly reach your target audience. Around 80 million people get their news online every day from which there could be potential customers. So while crafting a press release, you need to also keep buyers in mind. Using a distribution site will make sure you end up on big publications with a guarantee.

PR content is a great way to get across your message or announcement about your company’s products or services. Using s distribution site will make sure that it is getting published in top-rated media outlets.

Tags: PR Distribution Site, Free Press Release Distribution