Utilize the Advantages of Press Release to Approach College Students more Effectively

27th March, 2021

Press Release

College students are one of the vital parts of the target audience for any kind of product marketing or brand awareness since the youth is open to all. Students are not part of any specific vertical or industry; they simply seek for what’s new? Whether it’s a job opportunity or an advertisement for any course or even fashion products, they are potential users who do not only avail of the services but also enables more shares and engagement. In this modern era of the digital lifestyle, college students are quite tech-savvy and so are their friends. They are more likely to use digital platforms and applications more than any other users. Also, they are more active on social media on a daily basis which going to stay for the rest of their life. So digital marketing gets more effective with the help them.

However, reaching those students and convincing them of your product or services is the tricky part. If you walk around a college campus, you will notice numerous posters, promoters, banners, and coupons are already present there to lure or attract the students to go through a brand or service. So the students are well aware of these approaches and more likely to ignore them as most of them are not legitimate or relevant to them. Among these plethoras of advertisements and marketing approaches making a safe place for your product or service is very difficult.

Cut Through the Noise

Digital content marketing can help you to stand out and approach college students more effectively. The best way to cut through the noise is a Press Release. It is a content that is written in a crispy journalistic tone that can attract the student. Also, it is flexible content that can be published physically and digitally as well. Many colleges have college magazines which are a major source of entertainment and information. It can be a handy way out to slide your content in it. 

Not necessarily you have to get featured in all the newspapers but only two or three can do the work. It will generate enough buzz in the local colleges as well. It is a convenient way to get your content viral.

How to get the students to read your Press Release

By following these few things you can exponentially increase the credibility of your press release. 

Try to use a trustworthy source – Sending a press release from your company’s email address is not necessarily the most trustworthy appearance since they are not aware of your brand or service. Many companies send their releases regularly to the colleges but unfortunately, not everyone gets featured. If you have a good rapport with the college authority that assures the matter. But if you are not able to do that, a trustworthy source of PR can do that with ease.

Genuineness – One of the biggest drawbacks of press releases which are written for students is that it appears or sounds fake. The marketers emphasize their product or service so much that it ends being exaggerated content with high hope and no value. If you are a real person trying to reach real persons or students through PR, then make sure it sounds like that. Treat them well like you do to your other potential customers.

Relevance - Relevance is important too since if they don’t find it relatable enough they won’t read the content. Make proper research of the things that students look for. Are they included in your product or service? If yes, then your content is good to go. If not, then make sure you some relevant way put that in your content. Quotes can be a good way to garner their attention.

Offer more information – Sending a press release that generates more questions than answers, is not a good press release at all. Try to provide all the necessary information like links, quotes, follow-ups, contact details, etc.

Online news – Online media has a huge influence on the students’ daily life since most of them are connected over the internet through smartphones, computers, or laptops. They go through online content, news, and media platforms more than anyone. Also, the students are spending a lot of time over social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and many others where they can share anything. An attractive press release can also be a part of it and it will generate enough social media buzz and online engagement.

Tags: Press Release, Product Marketing, Brand Awareness