Learn about the Multiple Facets of Geofencing Marketing

22nd July, 2021

Geofencing Marketing

What’s that one challenge that every professional must have faced at least once? Aside from the cost challenge and other issues, targeting the right audience is surely on their cards. Targeting the right audience at the right time to share a marketing message is a big hurdle.

But thanks to technology and its smart inventions, people now have a new strategy to follow. And, that is Geofencing Marketing.

Ever heard about it? If not, this blog is going to explore the what, where, why, and how of this major marketing scheme.

Let’s start with the basic question –

What is Geofencing Marketing?

As said above, technology has been a boon to reach consumers. And smart marketers have discovered even smarter ways to use it effectively. For example, smart phone users or mobile users.

A large part of the population deeply relies on mobile phones to gain information. And, Geofencing Marketing is the ultimate strategy to engage mobile phone users!

It is a location (Geographical) based advertising and marketing strategy that helps to send targeted ads to the customers. Doesn’t it sound like the solution to a big problem?

By investing in such a precise mode of marketing, businesses can deliver a more personalized experience to the customers nearby. This approach reaps a lot of benefits and is believed to be a powerful advertising tool that boosts revenue.

Now the next big question is: How does Geofencing Marketing work?

People carry their mobile phones everywhere. Suppose you want to catch the attention of your nearby existing customers, Geofencing could be perfect!

The term might seem complex to you but it’s quite simple. And, why not! When you use the best mobile marketing solutions to reach people, you’re bound to succeed.

Let’s summarize the process into 3 easy steps:

  • Identify a geographical location around a real-world area
  • Set up a virtual barrier (Geofence) around the location radius
  • Create a mobile digital display Ad to support the strategy
  • When a mobile device enters or exits, the area, it triggers an event
  • Once a user gets registered, the related display Ads are served to them

Let’s explain it with an example: Suppose you’re in a fine-dining restaurant that serves events, parties, weddings, and other family functions. Your restaurant has a competitor within a few blocks.

How can Geofencing help you here?

With geofencing marketing, you can easily create a virtual barrier/ fence around any area you want! If anyone using smartphone steps inside your fence’s radius, or suppose leaves it, they get added to your audience list. After this, they get eligible to receive your restaurant’s Ads for up to 30 days.

Isn’t that great? Imagine you can promote your entire discount, offers, and other booking rates exclusively. With Geofencing Marketing, your competitors would stand no chance in front of you!

The best part is that you can choose when your Ads appear. In case you observe more foot-fall during the weekends or afternoon, set your Ads during that time slot. The Ads will show up on the mobile pages to drive the best results!

What does a Geofencing Marketing strategy look like?

So far you’ve understood the magic of this amazing strategy. But what does it look like?

The geofencing messages reach to the customers in the following formats:

  • Push Notifications
  • Social Media Ads
  • Display Ads
  • Display Banners in mobile apps

Mostly, the messages appear in games apps, news apps, or weather apps. This type of marketing is extremely targeted and the Ads are only served to the relevant people in that particular location.

Why should you use a Geofencing Marketing strategy?

Without any doubt, Geofencing Marketing is a highly effective form of marketing. It helps to reach and connect with the customers through mobile phones. Moreover, using the latest marketing strategy will always give you an upper hand over your competitors.

If your business hasn’t given it a try yet, do it today!

Here are the reasons:

1. Beat the Competitors

Seems like a fair bet! What if you come to know that 92% of the US smart phone users are already taking the advantage of this marketing trend? Will you still think twice?

Geofencing Marketing should be the go-to tool for any company if they want to earn profit based on the local customer behavior in real-time.

2. User’s Consent

If you’ve reached this far, you already know how important it is to value a customer’s integrity. And, very few customers agree to share their data without a fight. But with this location-based data, the customers seem to share it willingly!

So, why not use it smartly? 

Moreover, researchers say that almost 70% of the customers are willing to share their data if they gain something in return.

This could be loyalty points, coupons, or anything!

3. Catch them on the phone!

Who doesn’t pick up mobile phones to find information about a local service or product? The answer is almost 60%!

This means that even if your customers are wandering in your restaurant or store, or any place of business, they are not completely there. You are always missing out on something.

Unless you show them Ads on their smart phones, chances of them getting convinced are quite less.

Maybe you’re convinced to a certain extent about the versatility of this trend. But if all of this seems new to you, get it done through a professional.

Here are some solid tips to win in the Geofencing Marketing strategy:

• High-Quality Content

This is irreplaceable. If the quality of your Ad is poor, then your Geofencing Marketing won’t be of much help. What you show the customers is very important. Only high-quality content can engage a customer.

You can personalize the images and messages, or even add rewards to your local audience for maximum results.

• Small & Strong

To cut out any issues, keep your Geofencing Marketing circle small and strong. It’s always better to connect with a small group of customers who are genuinely interested rather than serving the uninterested groups.

• Vocal for Local

The local consumers want to feel appreciated by the big brands. If they stop to eat, shop, or spend their hard-earned money at your business, they want some sort of acknowledgment.  

Gather insights from your Geofencing Marketing strategy and create promotions that feed your local customer’s sentiments and interests.

It shows that you appreciate their preferences.

Tags: Geofencing Marketing