Goals of PR Distribution and How to Choose the Best Press Release Distribution Company

10th December, 2021

How to Choose the Best Press Release Distribution

Preparing the perfect press release takes a lot of time and effort for most companies. It involves a PR team consisting of expert members who figure out the subject matter, the writing angle, target audience, and more before writing the whole thing. When you put so much effort into writing the press release, it’s only fair that you put the same amount of energy into its distributing process.

It is important that your news reaches the right audience, be it the journalists, investors, or consumers with the help from the best press release distribution company. Getting placed in the right publication can not only help you build a strong relationship with the media but spread your brand awareness across your target audience as well.

Goals of PR Distribution

When you develop your annual press release strategy, you must set up certain goals that you want to achieve from the news. The primary objective of issuing a press release is to manage the public image of your company. There are numerous other goals that can be achieved through effective press release distribution.

1. Spreading Brand Awareness

If you are a new company, how will your target audience know about your product when they don’t even know you exist? You need to spread awareness about your brand among your potential buyers and investors through a global press release distribution company. It is useful for even established businesses that are launching new products or services. The main thing is that you have to make people aware of the fact that you are ready and capable of satisfying their needs and requirements with your products. Journalists also look for stories that are relevant to their readers. What is more relevant than news about a brand that is useful to them?

2. Improving Brand Image

Every brand has a public image, either good or bad. No matter what it is, you need to improve it to stay afloat in the market. There are numerous other brands similar to you in your industry. You need to make a good impression on the target audience in order to separate yourself from the rest of the competitions. Regular distribution of press releases can help you improve your public image quickly. Media outlets specializing in your particular industry can offer your company an extensive amount of online exposure and audience engagement to establish a powerful brand image in the market.

3. Crisis Management

Crisis management is done when your company is going through an unexpected event that threatens to harm the brand reputation of your organization. Press releases are a good way to manage these kinds of situations and bring back the lost reputation of your company. You are able to tell your side of the story to the media, investors, and your consumers encouraging positive response. With a press release, you have control over the narrative and bring out the points that explain the situation without putting you in a bad light.

4. Conveying the Right Message

Every company has a message to deliver to the target audience that helps them stand tall in the crowd. No matter what your key message is, it can easily be conveyed to the audience by press release distribution. The right message hits the audience right in the heart and they feel more trustworthy of your brand. A well-crafted press release placed in the relevant media outlets bridges the gap between your company and the target audience. The right message gets delivered to the right audience fulfilling the purpose of your press release.

5. Boosting Sales

The ultimate goal of every company is to sell as many products as possible. Though the immediate purpose of a press release is to get placed in major media outlets in your specific industry, the true target is making maximum sales. Press releases help you fulfill that purpose by gaining the attention and trust of both the existing and potential customers. When you are launching a new product you need to inform your consumers about it so that they can make purchases. It is better to create hype about the event before it happens to create anticipation among your audience. Also, they will have enough time to spread the news to a broader group of buyers giving a boost to your sales.

How to Distribute Your Press Release

Press release distribution is a process that should not be taken lightly. You can either do it yourself or appoint a professional PR agency to do it on your behalf.

PR Distributing on Your Own

Press release distribution is a long process.

  • First, you have to make a list of the journalists and media outlets that specializes in covering your specific industry.
  • Then you have to send them your press release through email with a pitch to gain their approval.
  • Tell them you are well aware of their writing styles and the type of news they cover. Explain how your story fits perfectly in their publications.
  • After you have sent your PR, all you can do is wait to get a response from the. There is no guarantee that your story will get published.

PR Distributing with the Help of a PR Agency

Press releases agencies consist of a bunch of expert professionals who have years of experience in the field. The PR campaigners put a lot of time into the press releases of their clients to bring 100% positive results.

  • PR professionals research their clients thoroughly to create an effective PR campaign for them.
  • They guarantee placement on hundreds of major media outlets in every single industry.
  • They offer social media promotion besides submitting PRs on media outlets.
  • Most PR distribution agencies provide press release writing services as well.

At affordable rates, you will be able to get your news placed on top media outlets and other relevant websites with the help of a reliable PR agency.

How to Select Your Ideal PR Distribution Service?

A good PR agency can take you to the top of the competition with their tried-and-tested campaign strategies. You need to find the ideal PR service for your company to avail yourself of all the benefits of press release distribution. Look for the following features in a PR company to get maximum ROI on your press release:

1. The Amount of Media Coverage and Online Exposure

The primary goal of press release distribution services is to acquire maximum online exposure for their clients. If the agency is not been able to offer you placement on major media outlets then there is no use in employing them.

  • Make sure the press release company you choose, distributes to hundreds of top media outlets in your industry.
  • The media outlets they choose should be followed by your target audience and regularly visited by them.
  • They must offer Google news inclusion to boost your ranks in the search engine result pages (SERPs).

2. Immediate Brand Exposure

The success of your press releases depends very much on when you make them public. It is best to distribute a press release at least a month before the actual event takes place. That way you will be able to create anticipation among your audience. Publish another one after the launch to spread brand awareness. A good PR company gives your decision priority and distributes the PRs at your given schedule. It also offers suggestions on when is the best time to distribute the press release.

3. Quick Customer Support

You can come across issues whether it’s your first or tenth press release. A good press release company should offer fast and reliable customer support that responds to the clients’ queries as quickly as possible. Most professional press release firms have 24x7 supports to help and guide the clients throughout the entire PR distribution campaign. Choose a PR company that has dependable customer support.

4. Additional Services

Press release issuing is a complicated process. There are a lot of other things that you need to take care of besides distribution. For instance, press release writing. If the quality of writing is not good enough it will not be able to bring you success no matter where you distribute it.

  • Go for a PR company that offers excellent PR writing services at affordable rates.
  • Make sure they incorporate keywords into the PR to make it more SEO-friendly.
  • Find out if they offer multimedia inclusion in the content.
  • They should host a copy of the content on their website permanently.

5. Affordable

Press releases are not only the most effective but the cheapest marketing tools in the world. If press release distribution costs you a fortune then there is no point in choosing it when you are trying to save money. Go for a press release agency that has a wide variety of packages ranging from low to high. So, both nascent and established businesses will be able to get the full benefits of press releases without crossing their budgets. Try the free PR services offered by reliable PR organizations to get acquainted with the advantages of press releases.

Tags: Online Press Release Distribution Company, Best Press Release Distribution