What it’s like to be a millennial CEO in 2020

  • What it’s like to be a millennial CEO in 2020

New York City, New York Mar 4, 2020 (Issuewire.com)  - There are many young entrepreneurs in today’s world that have demonstrated their understanding of their field but very few who are considered key figures in their industry. This status is usually reserved seniors who have worked their entire lives to grow their companies, but there are CEO’s like Sumedh Basani, owner of Basani Financial, who command respect in their industries. We took the time to shadow Sumedh for a few days to see what it was like to be a multi-millionaire CEO’s in their mid-20s.

The Boss

Sumedh Basani commands a large workforce of insurance brokers in 48 states in the U.S. His presence is a silent but powerful one in the financial community. Sumedh attributes most of his success and continued growth to consistent innovation, a relentless work ethic, and the implementation of nonstop self-improvement. Breaking these three variables down we can begin to understand what drives a 2020 CEO and how we can emulate that into our own businesses.

Innovation in technology and company resources is the pride of Sumedh’s brokerage Basani Financial, and one of the keys in their formula for success. Sumedh believes a constant evaluation and re-evaluation is what sets his company apart, allowing them to enter new territories of the final expense industry.

Work-ethic is paramount in any industry, and it goes without saying to be a top financial firm you must be willing to go above and beyond. From the morning till night, Sumedh is 100% full CEO mode. Never taking a  moment to take his focus off the important things this young man is truly a visionary in any regard.

Lastly, Sumedh takes a very active approach in his leadership role to constantly instill self-improvement and positive habits among his staff. He does this most effectively by being the best role model he can for his company, calling this “leading from the front.”

Habits and Lifestyle

It’s probably not surprising that multi-millionaire CEOs wake up early, and Sumedh is no exception to that. The unforgiving pro athlete level gym workouts, two-four hour reading schedule, disciplined meal-prep and nutritional routine, and minute-to-minute schedule keeps this laser-focused entrepreneur firing on all cylinders. Sumedh also stays away from drugs and alcohol, and any other bad habits/environments that may influence him negatively. These habits seem to plague the rich and successful more often than none and it’s refreshing to see a young powerhouse such as himself maintain the dedication to refuse those temptations. Lastly, Sumedh has expressed the sacrifices he has made in friendships, relationships, and his own personal life to get to where he is today.

“We live in a world fueled by the fantasy of overnight successes and instant gratification. The truth is these overnight successes took many nights to fruition,” says Sumedh. “Achieving a large financial gain at a young age is a dangerous thing because it’s one thing to be wealthy, but completely different to be young and rich. It’s programmed in your nature to feel invincible and you must constantly seek to humble yourself in the small moments in life.” Keeping his goals in line and making sure he is grateful for each moment is an important part of his daily process.

Why do all of this

According to Sumedh, to create massive levels of success you must have an innate drive that forces you to constantly push forward. Only then can you truly have the willpower and dedication to achieve those high-set goals? We asked Sumedh what his why was and he said “My goal in life is to open up an orphanage overseas because I believe children have so much potential for good if they are taught that. I work with a lot of nonprofits currently and they all agree that the most important thing in the organization is the large donations they receive from a few key individuals. Before love, education, and fun comes food, shelter, and water, and money is the driving force of all this. If you really want to help a cause the reality is that you must be able to have the financial resources to make a change, and that’s why I got into the financial field.”

Sumedh’s vision is that one day the people he helps can pay it forward and help others, ultimately creating a legacy and brand that will help the world become a better place.


Media Contact

Sumedh Basani info@basanifinancial.com

Source : Basani Financial

Categories : Banking
Tags : financial

Sumedh Basani


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