What are the Actual Fruits from ‘The Tree of Life and the Tree of Good and Evil’? Shincheonji Explains in Free Seminar

On August 20th at 10am, 7,000 pastors listened in with great interest to Chairman Lee Man-Hee of Shincheonji Church of Jesus as he revealed the true meaning and reality of ‘The Tree of life and The Tree of Good and Evil,' from the Christian Bible.

Chicago, Illinois Aug 26, 2022 (Issuewire.com)  - The fourth lesson in a series of special seminars was held on August 20th, after the third occurred a week prior on August 13th. The fourth seminar covered ‘The Tree of Life and the Tree of Good and Evil’. The seminar referenced the fruits of the trees spoken of in Genesis and the Tree of Life seen in Revelation 22. This is a dilemma in the Bible, as no one has been able to interpret its meaning for the past 6,000 years. In this seminar, Chairman Man-hee Lee explained in detail the true meaning and interpretation of ‘The Tree of Life and the Tree of Good and Evil’  in the Bible for about an hour.

As he introduced the topic of the August 20th seminar, Chairman Lee mentioned, “You must have been very curious about what is the tree of good and evil that one dies if [he] eats of it, and what is the tree of life that leads to eternal life if eaten.” He emphasized, ”even if one reads the Bible but does not understand, it is because one lacks common sense and knowledge about the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.” The Bible conveys that knowing the reality of the fruit of the tree of life “ is important and epical” since “even those who ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil can live forever if they eat from the tree of life.

Chairman Lee mentioned in Genesis that the entity that made Adam and Eve eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil that God had told them not to eat, is the serpent. In the book of Revelation, he explained, that the one who is expressed as the dragon, Satan, and the devil– deceived people and ruled over the world for 6,000 years. This entity, depicted as a 'serpent' appears in every era of the Bible and causes people to eat the 'fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil' just like in Genesis. For this reason, he emphasized that believers must clearly know what the actual entity of the ‘serpent’, ‘tree of life’, and ‘tree of knowledge of good and evil’ is in the time they live.

He continued, “The ‘tree of knowledge of good and evil’ does not appear in the book of Revelation but is recorded as the king of Babylon, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, and the prostitute. Like how Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden were destroyed, the prostitute destroyed all nations with the wine of adultery.” He also mentioned, “The book of Revelation records that the fruit of the tree of life leads to eternal life. The 12 tribes, created by harvesting and sealing those born of God’s seed, are the tree of life and the word of truth coming out of this place is the fruit of the tree of life.”

Lastly, Chairman Lee urged, “Even if you look around the whole world, there is no place like Shincheonji created according to the Bible. Heaven and God will come here and live together eternally”. “Let us become one in God and the truth.”

The seminar is confirmed to have had about 7,000 pastors around the world participate. Not only pastors but also believers have shown great interest in ‘The Tree of Life and the Tree of Good and Evil’ and have expressed interest in follow-up education. 

Prior to these latest seminars, Chairman Lee and Shincheonji taught the entire Bible from elementary parables to the logic of the bible and the entire book of Revelation in less than a year. The results have included pastors, churches, and seminaries signing MOUs to request the teaching materials. 

A Shincheonji Church of Jesus official stated, “It is true that the seminar requires extensive knowledge of the Bible as it is targeting pastors.” and “However, believers who are thirsty for the truth have been watching the seminar continuously and requesting systematic education. We plan to continue with  online seminars in the future.”  Interested viewers can find the ‘The Tree of Life and the Tree of Good and Evil’  seminar here: https://www.youtube.com/c/nhnemidwesttv

Contact the Midwest branch for more information about past seminars or interest in attending future seminars, through Instagram @nhnemidwest or email: contact@nhnemidwest.org


Media Contact

Brian Chitambira contact@nhnemidwest.org 4787183045

Source : NHNE Midwest

Categories : Consumer , Education , Non-profit , Religion , Society
Tags : Shincheonji , Chairman Lee , Lee Man Hee , Jesus , Tree of Life , Genesis , Revelation , Bible , Religion , God
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