The #Sleep Culture

" We Agree To Disagree "

Washington, D.C, District of Columbia Jun 8, 2021 (  - The #Sleep Culture was created as an alternative to the #Woke concept, which is deemed to be the overall mindset of the masses.

We want to introduce to the world the idea of a sub-culture that exists within mainstream black America.

A culture that is overshadowed by the mainstream media's one-sided promotion of black thinking that rarely represents the whole of black people.

To fully understand a people, all aspects of their cultural perceptions and disagreements must be put on display. 

- Otherwise, it gridlocks those who live outside of the bounds of the designated norms. 

This is the purpose of the #Sleep culture - to shed a light on those who live and think outside of the designated norms of being #Woke 

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Tags : woke , staywoke , sleep , staysleep , politics , news

Sleep Agents

We represent the alternative to the #woke agenda.

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