SlideUpLift Add-in: An Intelligent Companion to PowerPoint

To combat the limited presentation-template collection on MS PowerPoint, SlideUpLift has launched a first-of-its-kind PowerPoint Add-in that provides users with a diverse and varied collection of templates within PowerPoint.

Pune, Maharashtra Jan 7, 2021 (  - SlideUpLift, one of the leading providers of presentation templates and PowerPoint resources has recently launched a nifty PowerPoint Add-in that provides full access to its 30k+ template collection directly from within PowerPoint.

SlideUpLift continues to remain focused on helping users upgrade their presentations using compelling visuals and storytelling elements. “Our users already have great ideas, but it almost always helps to not start presentations from a blank slide. With the launch of the industry-first add-in, our users can instantly access a large library of ideas and templates and build off from there. In future versions, the Add-in will make use of artificial intelligence to make real-time slide recommendations while the presentation is being built” said Manglam Vashisht, Founder, SlideUpLift.

Back to the present reality: Many users do feel limited by the small collection of templates natively available within PowerPoint. The current version of the Add-in seems to successfully plug in this gap by making available a wider and richer collection of presentation templates from within PowerPoint. Using a combination of business content in slides and good aesthetic sense, the company expects its users to build a habit to always start with the SlideUpLift Add-in when building a new presentation or adding new slides to an existing presentation.

Despite its premium features and value, SlideUpLift’s Add-in will be made available to every single membership plan. The company offers five membership plans, the most affordable being the Essential that starts from $9.99 USD.

Ultimately, SlideUpLift’s PowerPoint Add-in and its collection of PowerPoint resources are designed to empower business users to drive impact with their presentations. The company is continuously innovating to make it easier and faster to achieve their end goal.

Readers can learn more about the PowerPoint Add-in here.


Media Contact

SlideUpLift +91 9823776900 Yerwada Nyati Unitree, Western wing, 1st floor,SmartWorks, Yerawada
Categories : Business , Internet , Services , Software , Technology
Tags : PowerPoint Addin , PowerPoint Plugin , PowerPoint Templates , PowerPoint Presentations , Business Productivity , PowerPoint Productivity , Online Presentations , Virtual Presentations , Presentation Templates


SlideUpLift is an online platform to help professionals make compelling presentations using principles of vision science and storytelling. The platform contains an online library of pre-designed presentation templates that can be used across industries and functions.
Yerwada Nyati Unitree, Western wing, 1st floor,SmartWorks, Yerawada
Maharashtra, Pune
+91 9823776900
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