Skin Laser Online New England's Premier Laser Surgery And Dermatology Center USA

Laser And Non Laser Skin Treatment Center In New England USA

Revere, Massachusetts Mar 8, 2022 (  - The Skin & Laser Surgery Center of New England is led by Harvard-trained dermatologist Khalil A. Khatri, M.D., one of the most well respected and in-demand dermatologists in the northeast.

Let's have a glance at the profile of our highly experienced doctor.

- Dr. Khatri has been at the forefront of cosmetic laser surgery for over 25 years.
- Dr. Khatri is a board-certified physician, fellowship-trained with over 25 years of experience working in cosmetic laser surgery, such as laser treatment for scars, stretch mark laser removal, laser treatment for acne, laser eyelid surgery blepharoplasty center in New England, etc. He has developed and performed many procedures which don't exist anywhere else.
- The doctor has done successful medical with board-certified doctors at his clinics in California, New Jersey, and New York.

At our laser and dermatology center, the most popular laser treatments are,
- Laser Skin Resurfacing
- Non Invasive Fat Removal
- Laser Hair RemovalAt our center, we provide Non-Laser treatment as well. Our most popular nonlaser treatments are mentioned below.
- Eyelid Surgery
- Leg Vein Treatment
- Bottox & Fillers

Our Laser & Dermatology Center is situated in three convenient locations in New England (USA).
- 74 Allds Street, Nashua, NH03060, Phone: (603) 886-5506
- 376 Ocean Ave, Suite C 102/103, Phone: (617) 381-1717
- 6 Courthouse Lane, Chelmsford, MA 01824, Phone: (978) 453-5559

For further details, Contact Us: https:



Media Contact

Skin Laser Online Laser And Dermatology Center New England ***** 617 381 1717 376 Ocean Ave, Suite C 102/103, Revere, New England

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Categories : Beauty , Health , Medical
Tags : skinlaseronlinenewengland , skinrejuvenationlasersurgerycenternewenglandusa , skinlaserdermatologycenternewengland

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