Retired Navy Veteran Shares Beautiful Ways of Showing Gratitude

Author suggests being generous when saying “Thank You”

Tucson, Arizona Mar 18, 2019 (  - “Saying Thanks and Beyond: Is Saying Thank You Enough?” by Ralph Mosgrove is a heartfelt book encouraging everyone to be more than just grateful.

When Mosgrove’s wife, Elsie, had an accident which caused her to go around in a wheelchair, he realized that saying thank you to people who have been kind to them maybe not enough. Mosgrove encourages readers to go the extra mile in letting someone know that their acts are greatly appreciated. This may create a ripple effect, causing the people involved to do the same and influence others as well.

“Ralph invites us to ‘join the ranks of the unidentifiable secret agents of God, going about doing good wherever you can.’ This behavior leaves you with a feeling of exuberance and the person to whom you have been good to receives confidence that inspires them to do the same for someone else. Let your gratitude come from your heart and your lips be the messenger,” shares Heidi Summers, an Amazon reviewer.

Ralph Mosgrove had a meet-and-greet session at the Tucson Festival of Books held at the University of Arizona Campus last March 2 to 3, 2019. He signed copies of his books and interacted with festival goers at the Authors Press’ booth 154. To get the latest update on authors, like and follow Authors Press on Facebook and Twitter.

Saying Thanks and Beyond: Is Saying Thank You Enough?

Ralph Mosgrove

E-book | $2.99

Paperback | $9.99

Book copies are available at Authors Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online book retailers.

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