Overcoming stress at work in Beaufond Plc under Pandemic situation

Dubai, United Arab Emirates Jul 2, 2021 (Issuewire.com)  - Overcoming stress at work in Beaufond Plc under Pandemic situation

Life can be stressful on even the best of days. The recent COVID-19 global pandemic has added to this stress. From businesses and schools closing to slow the spread of the virus, the uncertainty of the global economy, and the pressures of remote working to the anxiety of social isolation and fears of contracting the virus, it’s safe to say that COVID-19 has made daily life more stressful for many of us.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major effect on the lives of Global. It makes everyone face challenges that can be stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong emotions from Adults to children. With the growth in Agriculture, Industries and Services sectors diminishing, the GDP of most of the countries became negative with slow productivity growth. In many Companies, the retrenchment, lockdowns, work from homes, minimum staff with rotational base etc., make the employees feel isolated and lonely and increase stress and anxiety. Also watching TV and visuals and messages from social media about the pandemic constantly is upsetting.

Hence Beaufond Plc, to overcome the stress among the employees and also to motivate them, conducted two online workshops each for 3 days during September 2020 and May 2021.

In the workshop, eminent scholars and experts from various fields were given lecturers and motivated the employees; the motivational speeches covered the following:


  • Stress management therapy - the most powerful & effective approaches and strategies to manage fears & phobias that keep you stuck in life and motivate Self-confidence, positiveness and success;
  • Laughter therapy - to get people laughing in both group and individual sessions - helps reduce stress, makes people and employees happier and more committed, as well as improves their interpersonal skills.
  • Psychology — Behaviorism, Psychoanalysis, and Humanistic;
  • Yoga and Naturopathy;


Apart from this, from the Company side, it is arranged,

  • Happy working environment with all infrastructures;
  • Provide all health care necessities – Mask, Sanitizer etc.;
  • Necessary health care and Free hospitalization for self and family;
  • Regular salary - irrespective of absenteeism due to pandemic diseases;
  • Full salary irrespective of their job rotations;
  • Continuing the incentives to the groups and also individuals;
  • Announcement of lump-sum to the deceased employees’ family and employment to the legal heir.


The above activities restore the employees from the stress at work and home and Beaufond Plc notices the turnaround of its business during this period.


Media Contact

BEAUFOND PLC - PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY remy@beaufond.com Ms. Remy DIFC, Dubai http://www.beaufond.com
Categories : Accounting , Banking , Business , Health , Human resources
Tags : Accounting , Banking , Business , Health , Human Resources


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