National Making The First Move Day® 2020: Face COVID-19 Bully

"The mandate that probably none should sell should likely wake up the world." "Yea but one night in a Umber lounge, a hobbit nice sure seer spoke calm, and there was calm." Founder, National  Making The First Move Day®

Los Angeles, California Apr 6, 2020 (  - Nationwide-

As seen in Chase's Calendar, Days of the Year Calendar, Big Easy Magazine, What National Day Is It, numerous other publications, and as recognized by multiple mayors and celebrities, National  Making The First Move Day® or #mtfmoveday is a national advocacy holiday celebrated annually  April 7 as an all-inclusive day for kids, families, and persons of all ages, demographics, and backgrounds to reclaim their personal power and START MAKING THE FIRST MOVE TOWARDS BULLYING PREVENTION AND RECOVERY IN ALL FORMS™.  

Just last year about this time when National Making The First Move Day® founder

Greshun De Bouse received recognition from Mayor LaToya Cantrell of New Orleans, LA, and Actress Bern Nadette Stanis aka 'Thelma from Good Times'  for her Bullying Prevention and Recovery efforts in Louisiana and globally, she never dreamed that one mere year later she and the state of Louisiana would be battling one of the biggest bullies thus far-COVID-19 Bully.  

Greshun says "As I look at the current state of New Orleans, LA and Louisiana in general, it grieves my spirit to see the havoc COVID-19 has wreaked, the lives it taunts and takes.  With the current status of #2 nationwide for COVID-19 deaths, and a rapidly increasing death toll daily, Louisiana, now more than ever, must Start Making The First Move Towards Bullying Prevention and Recovery In All Forms relative to COVID-19 or the #Ronacrisis™ as I have coined it." 

You all may be wondering how, or what do we do?  Well, as always, Global Leader and National Making The First Move Day® founder, Greshun De Bouse has the perfect answer. 

Greshun begins by saying, "We fall yeah now sure, but will you help a nation regain its power by rising up again….together? Will you have and I'll be nicer first mentality toward your neighbors? This is how we start making the first move towards bullying prevention and recovery in all forms."

  Read on as the powerful words of the eloquent Greshun De Bouse encapsulate you. She says,

Let us first examine the definition of bullying. 

Bullying is defined as "Repeated, unwanted aggressive behavior with an existent bully-bullied imbalance of power, and maybe physical, verbal, or social" (De Bouse, 2019).  Now let us explore the coronavirus or COVID-19 bully.  COVID-19 is unwanted by any well-thinking person and is repeatedly aggressive in its attack on one's physical health. There is a clear imbalance of power between COVID-19 which and the physical body it invades, wherein the virus rapidly overpowers the body to the extent of rapid critical illness, and either recovery or death. COVID-19 is not only a physical bully but also a psychological bully who incites torturous fear in the psyches of most. The COVID-19 bully has caused an economic decline, social isolation, food/essentials scarcity, many more adverse effects on residents, and even cancellation of major events-including the official National Making The First Move Day® Celebration 2020.

So how do Louisianians "Start Making The First Move Towards Bullying Prevention and Recovery In All Forms"?  Here is how.

Bullying Prevention:

To combat the COVID-19 bully, Louisianians should adhere to instructions/mandates of the CDC, Governor Edwards, governing city authorities, and President Trump which includes:

-stay-at-home order compliance

-seeking medical assistance/testing if symptomatic

-leaving home only for necessities

-washing hands frequently/sanitizing if soap unavailable

-covering cough/coughing in the elbow

-wearing protective masks/gloves

-keep water, non-perishables and essentials stocked throughout the year

-always have a financial nest egg for emergencies

-Know some of the lesser known symptoms such as extreme fatigue, muscle aches, headache, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, malaise, and digestive disorders

For example, if you're thinking "I have nausea for sure," alone it may not have much meaning, but if you have nausea coupled with multiple other symptoms, you should proactively seek medical attention.

Bullying Recovery:

-following instructions of medical professionals if infected

-business owners may take advantage of SBA disaster relief funding via loans/grants

-patronize local small businesses

-communicate the situation with creditors and the like/arrive at a mutually beneficial solution

These are very helpful COVID-19 bullying prevention and recovery actions all can take, and being aware of other symptoms in addition to fever, coughing, and chest pain should top the list.  If you're not sure for sure, use the multi-symptom rule. Of course, with this pandemic, one severe symptom may warrant attention. We flee hibernation. We first for sure stand with Greshun De Bouse to joint victory with this COVID-19 Bully who has interrupted our lives in so many ways.  

Greshun contends "A COVID-19-spurred technical glitch or #Coviglitch as I coined it, is responsible for me missing an invited-to conference call with President Trump to discuss COVID-19 response for the small business community.  Daily, business owners tell of the economic impact COVID-19 Bully has had on their business, their livelihood."


COVID-19 definitely should be viewed as a serious bully, but as with all bullies, she can be defeated.  Therefore, The best way to celebrate National Making The First Move Day® 2020 is for all to "Start Making The First Move Towards Bullying Prevention and Recovery" of COVID-19, and post on social media what you're doing using #MTFMOVEDAY!   We motivate you with this excerpt of poetic prose from the masterful Greshun De Bouse:

"Yea but one night in a Umber lounge, a hobbit nice sure seer spoke calm, and there was calm.  Nation help us; you can ask him. Open luncheon, ate well for certain. Now shiver so cold, but the sun will shine again."

 Happy National Making The First Move Day® 2020! #mtfmoveday


De Bouse, G. (2019). Disability Bullying.  Retrieved from /disability/discrimination/gdb.php.


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Categories : Entertainment , Environment , Event , Health , Society
Tags : Greshun De Bouse , mtfmoveday , National Making The First Move Day , April 7 , COVID-19 bully , Greshun COVID-19 , mtfmoveday COVID-19 , greshun , mtfmoveday COVID-19 bully
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