Michele Lunow, BSN, RN, a Registered Nurse with Raymond W Bliss Army Health Center

Get to know Registered Nurse, Michele Lunow, who serves patients in Fort Huachuca, Arizona.

  • Michele Lunow, BSN, RN, a Registered Nurse with Raymond W Bliss Army Health Center

New York City, New York Sep 29, 2022 (Issuewire.com)  - Michele is a registered nurse specializing in operating room nursing, emergency room nursing, and critical care transportation. Since August of 2012, she has been serving as the Clinic Charge Nurse at Raymond W Bliss Army Health Center in Fort Huachuca, Arizona. With over two decades of experience in her field, she provides care to active duty military and their families, as well as military retirees.

Graduating with her high school diploma from Northern Lebanon Vikings in June of 1983, Michele went on to earn her Associate’s Degree in Nursing from Cochise College Sierra Vista Campus in 2001. Furthering her education, she obtained her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Grand Canyon University in 2011. 

Holding a certification in Basic Life Support (BLS - not intended for postnominal use), she is an active member of the American Nurses Association.

A Registered Nurse (RN) is a nurse who has graduated from a nursing program and met the requirements outlined by a country, state, province, or similar licensing body to obtain a nursing license. RNs fulfill a variety of job duties. In addition to their primary role in treating and caring for patients, their responsibilities also include educating patients and the public about a variety of medical conditions, as well as providing emotional support, coordinating care, and advice to the families of their patients. Other RN job functions include leadership, research, performing diagnostic tests and analyzing results, operating medical equipment, administering medications, recording patients’ symptoms and medical histories, and assisting with patient rehabilitation and follow-up.

On a more personal note, Michele attributes her success to her personal drive. There was a lot of stuff that happened to her in her childhood, and it pushed her to succeed at what she does. She wants to make sure that she has a good life for herself and her kids and wants to be financially secure.

Learn More About Michele Lunow:

Through her online profile, https://todaysnurse.org/network/index.php?do=/4147822/info/ 


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Source : Michele Lunow, BSN, RN

Categories : Health
Tags : Michele Lunow , BSN , RN , Registered Nurse , Fort Huachuca , Arizona

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