Life Coach Eric North, aka “The Happiness Warrior” Depicts the Art of Letting Go

New York City, New York Mar 7, 2024 (  - Life is a continuous journey full of ups and downs and sometimes, people need experts like Life Coach Eric North to guide them through the journey of life. Eric is best known as “The Happiness Warrior” who fights for people who struggling with mental health and helps them with his effective practices. He conveys the real meaning of a Warrior and shows the path to gain eternal happiness. However, the process is consistent and one must follow the practices to witness a change in life. Eric believes life is a grateful endeavor to be respected and appreciated at every step of the journey. Wisdom and self-awareness are the main elements to create a strong mentality and a better personality. A person who understands the meaning of being both purposeful and fulfilled can feel more content in life.

A lot of people have faced or facing darkness and despair in their lives, simply because they are not living fully. Poorly thought-out decisions can lead to pain which triggers a cycle of self-loathing. It is Repressed knowledge that it’s not something that anyone deserves or must accept as their reality. It requires taking an understanding of the inner light in subconsciousness which helps to guide even in the toughest times of life. Eric explains that it is the mindset and attitude that humans set. It helps to determine the destiny and achievements of lives that fulfill dreams. Every individual has ample potential in life to move on without any self-doubt but getting stuck in the past can lock away goals and desires which are needed to be achieved. Everything one needs to know is always right in front, but one must learn to tune in and listen to the universe. A person needs to learn to forgive and accept everything to proceed in life with more clarity and self-respect.

The self-created feelings of doubt and reliance on negative emotions harm one’s personal growth and undermine the right to be happy and free of self-imposed guilt. Being vulnerable and real helps to channel the real emotions in life. Most setbacks in life are caused by the inability to let go of the past and let go of the misguided notion that bygone actions define the present. It causes a person to suffer unnecessarily without fault or accountability. It’s an unnecessary and false deterrent that alters the human ability to feel connected with others. It causes people to become dependent on others, to think for all, and to make decisions. A lot of people try to cope with negative emotions by putting them aside and can fester and intensify. The self-destructive forces of victimhood and martyrdom are the path to more misery and self-created shame. They turn people away from what’s good in life and make them feel lonelier and more disconnected with each passing day. Eric says that the path ahead will never be easy until one can clear these negative pathways from their mindset.

Clarity and acceptance play an important role in healing and help to get rid of the self-induced harmful thinking that’s ingrained in society. One must learn to forgive themselves which makes them more empathetic and helps to address other’s feelings. It can help to broaden human perspective and create greater clarity in life where one is at peace with oneself. It can make a person more humble and help them say goodbye to the wounds of the past. Being ‘The Happiness Warrior’, Eric North has also shared the practices that can help people implement the art of letting go in their lives. He advises everyone to stop seeking perfection and seek clarity and truth. One must learn to use the word no, and how effective one becomes when one can state their feelings clearly. This is how humans learn to live in their truth without the need for validation from others.

Nothing beats fresh air and sunlight for creating an uplifted mood and improved physical health. That is why Eric asks everyone to embrace whatever weather is in store and learn to adapt with an attitude of acceptance. He believes that spending time exercising outdoors on a windy day is a guaranteed mood lifter. One must learn to break off all unhealthy relationships. People must be cautious in letting too many strangers become friends too quickly. It is important to listen and observe their actions before making quick decisions. Self-care and self-love are also a vital part of living where empathy and integrity are the most important self-created powers. So, one must learn to take care of oneself as well as others to achieve true happiness in life. Join a fruitful journey with Eric North, The Happiness Warrior who fights for everyone’s happiness. Visit to know more.


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