Keep Running to Maintain A Balance in Life

“RunLike HeR” marathon by JollyHires was all about celebrating the real essence of women’s day!

Ahmedabad, Gujarat Mar 29, 2023 (  - Finishing a Marathon is not just an athletic achievement. It is a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible. And the HR women proved that by participating in RUN LIKE HeR marathon, organized by JollyHires on Women’s Day, which was held on 8th March 2023 at Sabarmati Riverfront ( Vallabh Sadan ), Ahmedabad from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Director of HR & Operations- Mr. Jaimin Shahand the team were the main coordinators of the event. They were constantly behind the scenes doing the heavy lifting so that the girls could just have frolic. This event could hardly be successful without their heartful contribution.

Years ago, women sat in kitchens drinking coffee and discussing life. Today, they cover the same topics while they run ~ Joan Benoit Samuelson

Our society needs men like them, who give equal importance and contribution to the growth and development of women in every sector. Javed Habib’s Salon was the main sponsor of the event and where as CS Krishna Bhati was invited to be the chief guest to give away the prizes CS Krishna Bhati started with pep-talk inspiring women to inculcate walking in the daily health routine and the benefits of 10 mins exercise for a long haul. She felicitated the winners - Halak Hingu, Divya Joshi and Shreyanshi Jain from Positiwise Software Pvt Ltd, Brightness Group BV and Intorque respectively. Other HR women across various companies also participated in the event, many of whom were participating in a marathon for the first time.

RUN LIKE H(e)R left all the women participants and winners giggling, chatting, running, girl- fanning and showing their competitive side unapologetically! Thanks to JollyHires who thought to put forward women in every sector and took a step ahead. The corporate world needs more companies like this, which is women-oriented because the development of a nation is measured by the growth and development of women! And we all are equally obliged to make this happen! Slow and small steps will lead to greater change.

Some reviews regarding RUN LIKE H(e)R said that they were grateful for the opportunity they got to represent their company in this friendly competitive event. Not only did they feel significant and jubilant, but they liked the opportunity provided to network with fellow women from the HR fraternity across other companies. The event ended with women posing to click selfies with each other, discussing their company’s whereabouts in the area of operation. The engaging conversation didn’t just stop there, few of them even got to planning an impromptu visit to a nearby juice stall after the wrap-up. Fascinating right? Imagine, if women can blend new food recipes, can manage household chores along with nurturing their family, establish and maintain relations with relatives; then they can surely lead a business more efficiently and effectively. They can carve out their management and creative skills and implement them in leading a business. They just need to jump and grab opportunities and create space for them!  It will be done rapidly if companies take a step forward and accept women’s ability to manage and lead businesses.

Very proud and grateful of JollyHires to take this potential lead and providing equal opportunities to women out there! Such positive feedback fuels the organizers to think of more creative ways in organizing more women-oriented events in the future. To all the women out there, we always keep cheering women to turn in their boots for shoes and their pantsuits for tracksuits and head on to take the world and create the world of their dream!

Lastly, kudos to the organizing team members, the sponsors, the chief guest and all the winners and participants. Keep running, stay healthy, and create the world of your dreams!


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JollyHires Inc. Shivalik Shilp, 1302, 13th floor,, ISCON Circle, Sarkhej - Gandhinagar Hwy,
Categories : Services
Tags : Women's Day Celebration , Job Portal , Marathon , HR Jobs , IT HR
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