Justin Greywolf is officially filed on the ballot for Washington State’s 8th District

Renton, Washington May 25, 2022 (Issuewire.com)  - Candidate for Washington State’s 8th Congressional District, Justin Greywolf proudly declares that Washington’s Secretary of State has confirmed his place on the ballot for the August Primary.

Mr. Greywolf believes that the people of Washington need a powerful representative that is fighting for them, regardless of who they voted for, and what party they belong to. A representative that will work with their fellow lawmakers instead of against them. 

Having lived on both sides of the state he has a unique viewpoint on the different needs of these communities, which will allow him to better represent all of the people in the 8th district.

“I am here to help this country get back on track,” He said. “This means ending cronyistic policies that benefit the rich while harming the middle class, supporting scientists seeking solutions to address the impacts of climate change, and guaranteeing the civil rights of all Americans by ensuring the law applies equally to everyone, especially the government.”

Mr. Greywolf’s proven skills in organizing people from different communities and backgrounds, with disparate, potentially conflicting ideologies can create a collaborative environment where the citizens of Washington can rest assured that their government is working for them. He believes that the only way to move forward is with bipartisan support for solutions that provide benefit to all Americans. It is only by working together that Congress will be able to be successful.

“I believe that our children deserve to live in a world free from the constant threat of coercion and violence.” He said. “I also believe that we as a nation have a shared responsibility to voluntarily help those who cannot help themselves.” He continued, referring to the need for effective support for non-profits and programs that provide real solutions to address homelessness, provide comprehensive mental health and addiction support as well as ensure that no one is left hungry due to situations beyond their control.”

“I am running for Congress to be your voice, your advocate for change in how America can realize the values laid out in the founding of this nation of "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

You can learn more about his policies and agenda by visiting his website at https://www.votegreywolf.com.


Media Contact

Patriots for Justin Greywolf votegreywolf@gmail.com 510-999-8058 17701 108th Ave SE #135 https://www.votegreywolf.com
Categories : Government
Tags : congress , wa08 , washington , house , 8th , election , vote , libertarian , midterms , mid-terms

Patriots for Justin Greywolf

Patriots for Justin Greywolf is the PAC setup for the campaign to elect Justin Greywolf to US House for Washington's 8 congressional district
17701 108th Ave SE #135
Washington, Renton
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