Interactive Documentary Film Release: "Don't Call Me Clumsy"

Muddle Through a Maze of Clues in this "Whatdunnit" & Uncover the Mystery Behind a Slew of Symptoms

Toronto, Ontario Jan 24, 2023 (  - One in 15 of us has an invisible disability that may have plagued us since birth but has never been identified. Without knowing any better, there’s a good chance we blame ourselves for the challenges caused by this mystery neurological disorder… whether we’re five, 15, or 55. Are you bad at an organization? A messy eater? Is accident prone? These are just a few of its clues…

Early diagnosis and treatment can greatly improve the physical and psychological impacts, so why isn’t there early childhood screening at school or during annual doctor checkups? Don’t Call Me Clumsy a self-produced, polyvocal, an interactive documentary film (iDoc)—hopes to amplify the conversations that should be commonplace in homes, schools, workplaces, and healthcare centres to improve detection, therapies, and accommodation for this and other syndromes on the neurodiverse spectrum.

As a parent who struggled for years trying to figure out why her bright, intelligent, funny boy had so many physical, academic, and social challenges, iDoc producer/director Patricia Bush understands the frustration of not knowing what is behind the symptoms, despite consultations with several specialists. Don’t Call Me Clumsy captures and shares the exasperation using a non-linear narrative where viewers muddle through a maze of symptoms before finding a cause.

Don’t Call Me Clumsy features about 70 minutes of polyvocal interviews, with scenes ranging in length from 1.5  to 5 minutes. Like a video game, viewers control the time it takes to navigate through the story arc. They might slip through its nonlinear maze and solve the mystery disorder quickly, or the reveal may take longer, depending on the order they select scenes. But even when the mystery is solved, unwatched scenes will still be available to view for those whose interest is piqued. Others preferring an abridged version can skip to a new scene at any point, making the one they’re on disappear from the menu. Of course, nothing disappears forever… when one returns to the site, they can choose to continue where they left off or reset the entire iDoc.

This medical ‘whatdunnit’ features testimony from over 20 peoplefrom their teens to their fortiesaffected by this little-known, invisible disability. They have shared divergent symptoms, challenges, and mental health issues. But just knowing the cause can bring relief and offer solutions and workarounds.  Don’t Call Me Clumsy was filmed in the UK because that’s where Bush found the most subjects who knew about their condition. A greater awareness in the UK is the result of over 35 years of campaigning, spearheaded by one foundation, and started by two parents. The library of information the foundation provides online is where Bush found a connection between her son’s seemingly disparate myriad of symptoms. Help unveil the mystery and make “it” that affects so much general knowledge and a household name.  

Watch the promo & access the film at 

For media access & interviews with producer/director/editor Patricia Bush (MFA) or anyone featured, please contact 

Patricia Bush is a digital media artist, documentary filmmaker, and TV Producer

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Don't Call Me Clumsy

Source : Bushworks Media

Categories : Education , Family , Human resources , Medical , Multimedia
Tags : neurodiversity , educating , parenting , health , pediatrics , human resources , dyspraxia , developmental coordination disorder , occupational therapy , psychiatry
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