IGEN Innovation Consoritium Inauguration

Inaugurated on 28th June 2020,11am through Virtual Conference

Chennai, Tamil Nadu Jun 29, 2020 (Issuewire.com)  - The Institution of Green Engineers (IGEN) has initiated “IGEN Innovation Consortium” with an objective to connect the innovators, develop innovative products, achieve patent, initiate startups and introduce them as GREEN Entrepreneurs to the global community in alignment with the UN Sustainable Development Goal 09 (SDG). The IGEN Innovation Consortium inaugurated on 28th June 2020,11am through Virtual Conference.

It is great to see so many enthusiastic teams are working for innovation across the globe, we IGEN are happy to be a partner with the global team from today and have the vision to innovate nine breakthrough green products within two years, which will be highlighted in the market.

The inauguration program was hosted Er Yuvaraj, Schneider Electric Research Team, with the welcome video on innovation. Dr.L.Ramesh, President IGEN, welcomed the gathering with the introduction note on IGEN and Dr.J.Balamurugan, Head I2C  presented the importance of innovation and the programs structured under IGEN innovation consortium. It continued with a one-minute presentation on innovation by six experts, Er Golul – Senior Scientist ISRO on Space Innovation, Dr.Akila, Principal, KPR IET on Academic Innovation, Er Selvakumar – CEO Power Projects on Entrepreneur Innovation, Dr G.Pandian, Senior Manager Indian oil on Industry Innovation, Dr Mohanasundaram, Professor Veltech on Academic Innovation and Dr Suresh, Dean KIT on children’s innovation.

Mr. Dipan Kumar Sahu, Assistant Innovation Director,  declared the digital inauguration process, an inaugural  video prepared by IGEN YGIA Rukhshana, presented and  IGEN Innovation Consortium, officially inaugurated.

Yuviraj welcomed IGEN YounGreen Innovators Arme,  Srinidhi and Malavika to take over the session for two minutes presentation of YGIA innovators. They invited Ajay and he spoke about challenge 1 ( My favourite scientist ),  Anishka spoke about challenge 2 ( Read about the scientists which were written by the innovators in challenge 1 and write the invention or innovation by the scientist, the interesting line in their write-up ), Malavika spoke about challenge 3 ( Favorite invention or innovation ),  Lakshita spoke about challenge 4 ( My dream kitchen product ),  Samyuktha spoke about challenge 5 ( Favorite Nobel Laureate ) and  Srinidhi spoke about challenge 6 ( Agriculture in 2030 ). It continued with the feedback from, Sreejayani and Saiharini spoke about their experiences in YounGreen Innovators Arme and ended by Srinidhi, who spoke about Idea on implantable fat filter on the human body.

Mr. Senthilkumar, Head IGEN Partners, introduces the chief guest and invited to deliver the inaugural address and talk on innovation.

Mr. Dipan Kumar Sahu, Assistant Innovation Director, National Coordinator - IIC, ARIIA, NISP, Innovation Cell, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India, Startup Policy Implementation Unit –AICTE inaugurated the IGEN Innovation consortium and deliver innovation talk titled “Innovation in Informal Economy and Institutional Mechanism to Build an Inclusive National Innovation System”

He expressed new representation for IGEN 9colour nonagon logo towards SDG and green and suggested developmental ideas to the IGEN Innovation Consortium, which was well considered by the team members. He appreciated IGEN team for the wonderful initiative on innovation with clear strategic plan of action. He made special note of appreciation to the YGIA team particularly comparing team and all the participants for wonderful 2minutes speech. Special mention by him that, these kids will be the future ambassadors’ for innovation.

Yuvaraj, invited Young innovators to present there working model of innovation, Mr. C. Gokul Raja presented solar bike with a special mention that, he can travel 350 km per recharge. Mr. K. Preethkumar presented IOT based agriculture system, Mr. C. Gokul Raja, called as independent scientist presented four projects with IoT control, more to be in his channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7sTYA6a_XpTUBj4DPVRr6Q

The event was well represented with 1400 viewers in IGEN SDGplus Youtube channel. The program ended with vote of thanks by Mr Tejas, IGEN Ambassador.

Watch the full program @

Interested to register with IGEN I2C MissionG999 visit @ http://theigen.org/innovation/ 

With Regards



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The Institution of Green Engineers presidentigen@gmail.com 7305858932 F1 - RP Nagar , Ambatur Chennai 58 http://www.theigen.org
Categories : Engineering , Environment , Science
Tags : igen , igeninnovation , innovation

The Institution of Green Engineers


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