Francisco Guerra Successful Inventor, Businessman, and Entrepreneur

Francisco Guerra is widely known as a successful inventor, businessman, and entrepreneur

Lexington, Kentucky Dec 23, 2021 (  - Francisco Guerra is widely known as a successful inventor, businessman, and entrepreneur. Although his life does encompass all of these things, he is so much more than this to the people who truly know him. He has successfully built and grown multiple self-sustaining companies throughout uncertain economies, which cover nearly all major (and some minor) industries.

Some of the industries Francisco Guerra remains involved with include entertainment, manufacturing, sourcing, both wholesale and retail distribution, marketing, e-commerce, inventions, intellectual property, and patent services, product licensing, consulting, structuring, real estate, transportation, science, technology, web development, hosting, design, fitness, computer hardware, recycling, and more – and the list continues to grow! Francisco Guerra never stops moving or learning. He is constantly on the cutting edge of his next adventure.

Francisco Guerra was born in Cuba in 1968. In 1973, his family emigrated from Cuba and became US citizens. They settled in southern Florida, where Francisco lived until his early twenties.

He’d gotten into magic in his late teens as a result of a sibling rivalry between him and his younger brother. While his brother was one of the best jugglers in the industry, Francisco Guerra decided to pursue magic which laid the foundation for his passion for entertainment and performing. Although his friends and loved ones thought he was wasting his time “playing” instead of working a “real job,” the only thing that mattered to Francisco was getting better and learning more. He didn’t want to just be good— he wanted to be the best.

In his twenties, Francisco Guerra went on to work as a magician on a cruise ship. This particular cruise line toured the southern Caribbean and once every two weeks dropped anchor in Puerto Rico. One of Francisco’s fellow magicians and friends routinely disembarked in Puerto Rico and would do a show for the local children’s hospital. Then one day, someway, somehow, he convinced Francisco to perform with him.

They walked into a large room at the hospital and were greeted by the excitement of children looking forward to a magic show. As he scanned the crowd, his attention immediately fixated on one child in particular— a young boy with his face pressed against the glass of a small room built into the back wall. As Francisco Guerra would later find out, this little boy was in isolation from the other children because he had Leukemia— and his name was Carlos.

After the show, Francisco Guerra decided to go meet Carlos and give him a special performance. 30 minutes later, Carlos couldn’t get enough of the magic and made Francisco promise to come back. As he was packing up to leave, Francisco asked him what he wanted to see next time. Carlos looked up and said, “I want to see it snow!” Francisco Guerra had no idea how he was going to make it snow in the middle of tropical Puerto Rico but knew he had to make it happen for Carlos.

For the next two weeks, Francisco Guerra dedicated every spare minute he had to develop a way to replicate snowfall. After an abundance of trial and error, he’d finally done it. He figured it out. Francisco didn’t know it at the time, but this snow would mark the start of what would become one of the largest special effects companies in the world.

Francisco couldn’t wait to show Carlos. The minute the boat pulled back into port in Puerto Rico, he rushed to the hospital as fast as he could. Francisco hurried down the hall towards Carlos’s isolation room only to find that it was empty. Carlos had lost his battle with cancer three days before Francisco Guerra arrived.

Although Carlos never got the chance to see Francisco’s snow, it’s because of Carlos that millions of people all over the world get to enjoy Francisco’s snow today. The snow was the break-out invention that ultimately launched Francisco Guerra’s career as a serial inventor and entrepreneur.

To this day, Francisco Guerra has not stopped inventing. In addition to his special effects, other notable inventions include Eco-Scent, a psychotropic device that generates a replica of virtually any scent; Drink Safe coasters, which was featured as one of Time Magazine’s 2002 Coolest Inventions and is used in bars and nightclubs to determine if drinks have been spiked with date-rape drugs; and Flogos, which are cloud-like flying logos.

Francisco Guerra is continually growing. He always stays busy, and his mind is always on the move – whether he is starting new companies, or inventing new products, Francisco Guerra is always coming up with great ideas to improve people's day-to-day lives and make them more enjoyable – which is the entire reason behind doing everything he does. Francisco enjoys everything he does because, at the end of the day, it simply makes him happy to make others happy.


Media Contact

Francisco Guerra (256) 229-5551

Source : Guerra Institute

Categories : Business , Investment
Tags : Francisco Guerra , Entrepreneur , Business , Author , Inventor

Francisco Guerra

Francisco Guerra is a successful entrepreneur, Author and Inventor who has been credited with many patents and inventions, Watch top 5 his best advice for young entrepreneurs
Kentucky, Lexington
(256) 229-5551
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