Cooltone Named as Crime Stoppers QLD, Crime Prevention Partner

Cooltone have a long history of working with safety and security glass films in the community and as such have been named as a crime prevention partner for Crime Stoppers QLD, Safety and Security Films help deter and prevent criminal activity.


Crime Stoppers is a community crime solving and prevention service that involves a partnership between the registered charity Crime Stoppers Queensland Limited (Crime Stoppers), the Queensland Police Service, the media and the public.

Queensland is one of the most decentralized states in Australia with a widely dispersed population. The Crime Stoppers program provides an avenue for the community as a whole to assist police to solve crimes and ultimately make our State a safer place.

 Crime Stoppers QLD has had a long-standing partnership with local businesses throughout QLD with products specifically dedicated to preventing crime within the community.

With a focus on Cooltone's range of Safety and Security Films, these specific products take on the task at preventing intruders from breaking into a business or home through what is normally perceived as the weakest point on the property, glass window and or doors.

A window film does not stop an intruder in their tracks indefinitely but makes the effort of breaking the glass significantly harder. On average a standard glass window can be broken within seconds. A glass window that has safety and security film applied can take 2 to 5 minutes to totally break through and require a lot more, noise and effort to the point in most cases the intruder is completely deterred from entering the property altogether.

The films also have a second and very useful application, Safety, the film can contain broken glass within the film so it is not hazardous. This is very useful in. terms of public liability and or in-home family safety with young children. 

In addition to providing a safety net for broken glass in the home and shop fronts, glass balustrading has been a point of issue in many construction projects throughout Australia, more specifically spontaneous glass breakage from balustrading due to low quality, toughened glass from overseas manufacturers. Cooltone have provided retrofit solutions to this problem by applying a safety and security film to the balustrade which encases the broken glass and stops it showering on to people beneath the balustrade. 

With Cooltone's commitment to providing a safer community and products that match the ideals of Crime Stoppers QLD. The partnership is aimed at building awareness of the capacity of the product to prevent crime and work as a deterrent.   Also, increase the community awareness of Crime Stoppers QLD and the role they play in providing a safer community, by encouraging the public to anonymously provide useful information that is shared directly with the Queensland Police Service. 


Media Contact

Cooltone ***** 1300302212 33 Navigator Place, Hendra QLD 4122
Categories : Construction
Tags : Safety and Security , Window Film , Safety Glass , Security Glass , Stop Intruders and Vandals , Cooltone , Crime Stoppers
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