Clovis Revival Center Changes their Services from Sundays to Fridays

Clovis, California Jan 6, 2024 (  - Going to church on Sunday has been the Christian tradition for centuries.  One local church, The Revival Center, led by Rev. Sandra Querin, is changing that.  They will begin meeting on Friday nights instead of Sunday mornings starting on January 12, 2024.

Twenty years ago, before the Revival Center was a church, they met on Friday nights as a community outreach. Eventually Sunday services were incorporated into their ministry.

Back then, they wanted to reach the lost, but they also needed to be trained and learn to work together.  It was going to be a different kind of church, not focusing on themselves, but on reaching out to those who need salvation and healing.  This biblical mandate of servanthood would mean reaching out beyond their four walls. 

Seventeen years later, Querin realized that the Saints were getting comfortable and the people they were trying to reach weren’t coming through their doors.  They had continued to do Friday Night Revivals with different frequencies over the years, and doing one every three months helped her and her staff to see that the people they wanted to serve came on Fridays, but they didn’t come on Sunday. Apparently the lost and hurting do not set their alarms to get to church on Sundays.

Not one to think inside the box, the question for Querin wasn’t how to get them to come on Sundays, but what needed to be done to reach them.  She and the Revival Center ministers realized that the church needed to be there for the people on Friday nights.  Every week.  The radical idea of meeting on Friday nights instead of Sunday mornings became a passion.  “The people we want to serve don’t get up early on a Sunday morning and go to church.  They will come on Friday nights,” she said.

She took the desire to her staff and board, who soon realized that going back to their roots as a Training Center for Radical Saints was making more sense all the time.  Saying good bye to the Sunday services in an effort to radically reach the lost and hurting for Jesus would put their training to the test.

Looking forward, as the Saints put their hands to good use fulfilling the mandate of servanthood, they will not only be encouraged and healed “as they go,” but the Valley will have a training center for operating in the miraculous each and every Friday as scripture is lived out.

 “Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.” James 1:17 (NLT)

“Blind Bartimaeus in Mark 10 refused to be silent as the Master passed by,” said Querin.  “We too, refuse to be silent as we hear the call of Christ to do this.   We are coming in sacrifice, pain, and obedience.  We pray that we are fit for His use.  We trust Jesus that our community is ready to find hope and healing, and if they are willing to come on Friday nights, we will rearrange our lives to be there for them.”

God is working miracles and healing through the willing hands and hearts of the Revival Center servants.  They don’t want to just keep on praying for each other.  There are so many people out there who are searching for meaning, whose lives are without hope and purpose.  They need healing, deliverance, and forgiveness for sins that have tangled up their lives into an unrecognizable mess.

Jesus doesn’t ask where you’ve been, he is just glad to see you coming to Him.  He longs to give everyone who asks a fresh start, forgiveness, salvation, hope for now, and heaven for eternity.  For some that means making their bodies whole, for others it is a matter of the soul, but each one receives what they need the most:  The love of God and a community of those who are willing to provide a place of healing and wholeness. 

At a recent Revival meeting, the ministry team was told, "My sister and I drove five hours to get here, and it was worth it. I had kidney cancer, and they gave me only weeks to live.  Jesus met me there at The Revival Center.  I did blood work the next week and I am completely cancer free.  I and my whole family are very grateful to the Lord and to those who held the doors open for us; we did not have enough faith on our own, but they did."

The Bible says that believers have been given the power to heal, deliver and save in the name of Jesus.  The team at the “RC” takes that seriously.

As they transition to meeting on Friday nights, there are some challenges to overcome.  It’s not the normal way to do church, and it’s not going to be for everyone.  With their hearts turning outward to the community and all who are lost and hurting, there are sacrifices to be made.  For many of the Revival Center regulars, church has been on Sunday morning their whole lives.  For those who have come to know Jesus more recently, it is how they have lived out their faith in their new community. 

There will be some struggles as they transition, no question about that, but it will be worth it.  Friday services aren’t new to them, but giving up the Sunday morning service and putting all of their resources into Fridays every week will be new.  Rather than gathering together at the end of the weekend, they will be serving at the end of the work week, many coming straight from work to prepare for the service.

The Friday service won’t conflict with those who go to church on Sundays and want to come and see the power of God in those who have been healed, restored, trained, and empowered to serve those in need.  Everyone is welcome to come and see what Jesus is doing.

January 12 will begin with a celebration.  The services will be every Friday at 7:00.  The doors will open at 6:45 pm.  We are at 2221 Villa, in Clovis.  Come as you are.  You will be welcomed, and most certainly blessed by the Lord.

Nursery is available for ages 0-2

Children’s Church for 90 minutes ages 3-6


Media Contact

Abba's Heart Ministries 5598979575 PO Box 740

Source : The Revival Center

Categories : Family , Free , Lifestyle , Non-profit , Religion
Tags : Church , Jesus , Bible , Friday , Sandi Querin , Outreach , healing , salvation , prayer , Revival Center

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