Chris Davis: The Origins of Revcarto

  • Chris Davis: The Origins of Revcarto

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Aug 18, 2021 (  - In 2020, Chris Davis was freelancing and attempting to run his first agency. His co-founder, whom he didn’t know at the time, reached out to him on Instagram and mentioned that he loved his content and what he was doing. He said that he was working on an agency of his own, but could use some creative help and partnership. So as soon as Chris saw the business plan they put together, he was in. They both started in the very beginning of the pandemic and he and his partner met for the first time at a Daymond John event. The next day, lockdown in Philadelphia began. So they were stuck operating as a fully remote business. The reason they started Revcarto was that businesses are constantly not aligned between departments–and they wanted to propose a solution to that.

Stay up to date with Chris Davis on his socials to see more from him and Revcarto.


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GriffGang Worldwide 267-847-2355

Source : Revcarto

Categories : Investment , Marketing , Media , Multimedia , Services
Tags : Chris Davis , Revcarto , digital , marketing , advertising , remote , business , educational , media , award winning

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