Find Out What Health Benefits Smiling has Despite being Just an Expression

25th August, 2022

health benefits of smiling

Society has evolved a lot with technological advancements and up gradation. With this modern technology, the one thing that has been infused into our lives is the internet. The Internet came along with social media and in recent years, billions of people have transformed into social media users and we get our daily dose of content or entertainment from social media platforms. With the technological advancements helping with our daily life and work routine, one thing has genuinely started disappearing from our lives which are laughter or smiling. With increased competition in the industry, pressure from our work lives disappointed personal lives, and economic crisis, we as a society somehow have forgotten to show our genuine feelings including smiling. 

Smiling or laughter is the ultimate response to things that bring you joy. It is the ideal response to show that you're happy. Not just it elevates our moods but also creates positive and happy energy in the room as well as in the person who is opposite you. People say that it takes a higher number of muscles to form a frown than a smile, but there is no scientific evidence backing that statement. No matter if smiling is an internal and conscious choice that you make or just a genuine response to something that makes you happy, it is certain that smiling has the power to impact positively on your mind and body. 

Besides just creating happy energy for your mental peace, smiling also has tons of health benefits that are scientifically proven. Let's take a look at those health benefits!!

1) Releases stress

Believe it or not, smiling can release stress from our bodies. Besides preventing us from looking torn down and tired, smiling can decrease the stress level that we have inside our bodies. When we smile, a signal of being happy goes to the brain which causes it to release neuropeptides. These tiny molecules are crucial in fighting stress. So the next time when you feel like it is too much pressure or you are too stressed out, don't forget to put up a smile, even if it is fake, even if it is not genuine. 

2) Boosts immune system

Another health benefit of smiling is that it can boost our immune systems which then helps us improve our overall physical and mental health. When we smile and feel happy our brains get a signal that we are in a relaxed environment. That is when our brain releases a hormone called dopamine which activates the immune system. As a result the production of antibodies along with the cells that kill illness starts. So, put on a smile as it will make your body more efficient and will make your immune system work stronger. 

3) Reduces blood pressure

Smiling, especially laughter at first creates an initial increase in heart rate and breathing. But after that initial increase, it is responsible for relaxing the muscles which eventually decreases the heart rate, lowering the blood pressure. Do not wait, test this theory at home by monitoring your blood pressure today! 

4) Reduces pain

After we start to smile and our brain releases neuro peptides, other neurotransmitters and hormones like serotonin and endorphins also get released by our brains. Particularly these neurotransmitters are called neutral painkillers that are responsible for reducing pain in our muscles and body parts. 

5) Gives you a longer life

Lastly, smiling more frequently has a chance of increasing your lifespan. A study that was conducted in 2010 found that genuine smiling is related to longer life spans as happy people enjoy better health, therefore increasing our longevity. 

So what are you waiting for? Take a challenge to smile more and enjoy these health benefits. 

Tags: Health Benefits of Smiling, Benefits of Smiling and Laughing, Health Facts about Smiling, Why Smile is Important in Our Life