Benefits of Learning Abacus for Children

Perth, Western Australia Aug 25, 2021 (  - In a world where the field of education is getting more competitive day by day, having good grades decides the future of a person. Any student from high school to even college will openly say Math is one of the toughest subjects. From a young age, kids have trouble doing calculations. Either they lack the basic skills or they take longer to do simple calculations. If this trait is not solved, early high school, classes would be hell for them. Taking Abacus classes can help those kids who are not friends with math. Abacus education is designed properly and there are many institutions that offer classes. Just search the internet for “Abacus classes near me” and find a class that suits your kid.

History of Abacus and Brain Development

Abacus is commonly known as the world’s first calculator. Some of the earlier civilisations, including Mesopotamian and Sumerian, used the Abacus. Traders and business owners used the Abacus for calculations in countries like Greece, China, Japan, and India. The primary and only use of the device was to do simple calculations fast and easily. Abacus has a simple structure; a frame divided into two parts: the upper and lower regions. These regions are separated by a horizontal bar. Abacus is still used by some residents of Eastern Europe and China. It is also used by visually impaired individuals as a calculator. There are different Abacus based on the country. In China, Abacus is known as Suanpan, while in Japan it is known as Soroban. The designs may vary in Japan, Korea, and Russian variants.

Abacus for Schooling and Mental Arithmetic

Even though the device is primarily a calculator, it has been developed into a study aid. Kids in their pre-schools and elementary schools are taught to use Abacus. Teaching abacus to kids at an early age has many noticeable advantages. Since the device is mainly used for teaching math, the mental arithmetic skills of the kids will improve many folds. The idea is to keep things easy for them and introduce math as simple activity. This way, they will grasp the basics of math fast, which makes a good foundation for future schooling. Abacus lessons are taught using minor games which the kids do not feel like learning.

Abacus will Change the Way Kids Learn

The major advantage of teaching math using an abacus is it will increase brain activity. Daily practice can help them solve the basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of large numbers. Constant training will open their minds and expand their memory as well. The programs are not designed the same for kids in every age group. With each age bracket, the difficulty of the lessons will increase. This increases the confidence of the kid and pushes them to try new and complex calculations. Apart from math, this will also help in understanding theories and complex concepts in science as well. Abacus math will improve the hand-eye coordination of the children. This comes in handy in studies and extracurricular activities like sports and art. The increase in brain activity will also make them sharp and encourage them to make decisions. Concentration will also increase after daily training with the abacus and the children will also start thinking outside the box.

SEMAS Academy is Making Math Accessible

The SEMAS Academy in Australia offers Soroban abacus lessons for the complete brain development of kids. Our experts offer abacus in Perth and other parts of Southern and Western Australia. The classes are divided into three levels of difficulty - basic, intermediate, and advanced. Mini Soroban is the foundation level of the abacus for kids between the ages of 3 and 5. In this period, the students are introduced to the device and taught the basics. Slowly, they will be made to complete minor tasks and calculations. Once they have grasped these concepts, they will be able to do mental calculations. After the first stage, they progress to Kids Soroban, which is for kids aged 5 to 7. Once they have finished this level, they move on to the final stage known as the Master Soroban. This advanced level is for children who are 7 to 11 years old. Each of these courses will need thirty minutes of practice per day, which is more than enough to take away the fear of math. We are the best abacus institute in Australia that offers this mental arithmetic training. So give us a call as soon as possible to enroll your kids.



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Semas Academy Australia 1300 436 009 22 Benmore Street Landsdale WA 6065 Perth
Categories : Education
Tags : abacus education , abacus perth , abacus maths , abacus classes , abacus classes near me
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