AlphaCor DX is proud to announce a Direct to consumer diagnostic and concierge telehealth platform

AlphaCor DX empowers you to take control of your health and wellness with game changing products providing concierge doctors. Home diagnostic tests will provide insight for early onset cancers, children with ADHD and Autism or digestive disorders.

Pipersville, Pennsylvania Oct 12, 2022 (  - AlphaCor DX is Proud to Announce a Direct-to-Consumer Diagnostics & Telemedicine Platform Providing Affordable Health Care Options To All  

The AlphaCor DX concept of precision medicine has the potential to transform clinical diagnosis and healthcare as we know it. Our mission is for people to take control of their health and well-being. We're moving away from a "one-size-fits-all" approach as we move toward individualized diagnosis, prevention, and treatment plans.  

AlphaCor DX empowers individuals to take control of their health and wellness with easy-to-understand analysis and actionable reports for adults and children. The company's cutting-edge technology and an expert panel of physicians offer consumers convenient, affordable access to the highest quality of care from the privacy of their homes.   

"We are thrilled to bring this game-changing product to market," said President Warren Melick. "For too long, people have had to choose between expensive, traditional health care and low-quality options. With AlphaCor DX, they finally have a third option for personalized healthcare."  

From providing access to early-stage cancer screening to comprehensive testing for digestive distress to telemedicine with prescription authority and discounts on drug purchases, to determine your level of severity for a peanut allergy or the sex of your baby at seven weeks, AlphaCor DX supports you and your children from the comfort of your home. Many of our home tests include a private consultation with a physician familiar with your test results. 

AlphaCor DX gives you a complete picture of your health by uncovering life-changing health data that includes easy-to-understand analysis + actionable reports that will provide you with the power to take control of your health & wellness.  

Over 60% of Americans do not have a primary care doctor. Our affordable Telemedicine services allow users to consult with a physician or other healthcare provider without traveling to a doctor's office. This feature is especially beneficial for those who live in rural areas or do not have access to quality healthcare.  

Anyone can use AlphaCor DX as an online direct-to-consumer diagnostics and telemedicine platform for kids, adults, parents, and patients of all ages. If you've been searching for a better option than standard healthcare, you've come to the right place. Visit us today at 


Media Contact

AlphaCor DX Inc (844) 770-0593 8133 Easton Road, Suite 100, Ottsville, PA 18942
Categories : Biotech , Family , Health , Home , Medical
Tags : Concierge Medicine , Direct to Consumer , diagnostic tests , cancer test , Food Allergy , DNA tests , PGX , digestive distress
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