AI and Blockchain influencing economic development and global healthcare

Blockchain technology seems to be changing global health delivery and the GIVE Health Blockchain may be poised to lead AI aspects of healthcare delivery globally. The announcing of the upcoming GIVE Health Blockchain ICO, gives an indication.

New York City, New York Oct 2, 2018 (  - Blockchain technology seems to be changing global health delivery and the GIVE Health Blockchain may be poised to lead AI aspects of healthcare delivery globally. The announcing of the upcoming GIVE Health Blockchain ICO, gives an indication.

Last week, during the UN General Assembly the Harvard GIVE Fellowship with the United Nations handed the “Presidential Award for Economic and Sustainable Development in Healthcare Finance” to Prince Albert II of Monaco and the “Presidential Award for Economic and Sustainable Technology in Healthcare” to the President Tommy Remengesau Jr. of Palau. The Keynote Speaker of the Presidential Awards & Business Roundtable was the former Chief Technology Officer of IBM Mark Minevich of the Forbes Technology Council.

Mr. Minevich (pictured), who is also the Chairman of the AI Pioneers Forum, and Chief Advisor to the CEO of IPsoft –the largest privately owned AI company in the world, spoke of the role of artificial intelligence in economic development, job creation, security, and healthcare. The Business Roundtable included executives from over 20 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

United Nations Ambassador Isabelle Ricco of Monaco (pictured with UN Champion of Change Abaynesh Asrat) received the Harvard GIVE Fellowship Award on the behalf of Prince Albert II of Monaco from UN Champion of Change Abaynesh Asrat and Reginald Mbawuike, Harvard University Fellow. The Harvard GIVE Fellowship global health committee of doctors consists of medical doctors and clinicians from Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health and other parts of the medical community.

GIVE Inc. will be launching a GIVE Health Blockchain Initial Coin Offering for enabling using AI-focused blockchain for empowering patients with healthcare from an aspect of global health delivery. The first country of focus will be Palau.

Present to receive the award for President Tommy Remengesau Jr. was Minister of Health Dr. Emais Roberts (pictured with Reginald Mbawuike Harvard GIVE Fellow).


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GIVE Inc. 857-829-9743 103 Blake Street, Suite 200 Boston, MA 02136

Source : Generating Innovation Ventures & Enterprises (GIVE) Inc

Categories : Biotech , Finance , Health , Technology , Telecom
Tags : blockchain , cryptocurrencies , crypto , bitcoin , ICO , GIVEHEALTHBLOCKCHAIN , giveinc , mhealth , initialcoinoffering , digital