A New Generation of Entrepreneurs and Philanthropists

Tony and Lorie Deoleo’s vision of developing successful world leaders of tomorrow

  • A New Generation  of Entrepreneurs  and  Philanthropists
  • A New Generation  of Entrepreneurs  and  Philanthropists
  • A New Generation  of Entrepreneurs  and  Philanthropists
  • A New Generation  of Entrepreneurs  and  Philanthropists
  • A New Generation  of Entrepreneurs  and  Philanthropists

Los Angeles, California Jul 1, 2021 (Issuewire.com)  -  

 Lorie and Tony Deoleo are both international entrepreneurs and philanthropists who are the founders of the movement, “A New Generation of Philanthropists and Entrepreneurs".  During one of the California press conferences regarding the Covid 19 pandemic,  Governor Newsom of California put a call to all the Californian Entrepreneurs to deploy their entrepreneurial skills to help to fight the virus. Stepping up to the call, Tony and Lorie shared a vision where every man and woman who is looking to create a better future for their families, reaches their dreams and contributes to the success of their community and society itself.   Synergizing Tony Deoleo’s  21-year career as a fitness expert and business coach, and Lorie  Deoleo’s to becoming a recognized author, philanthropist, and international businesswoman of the modern-day, the result was a power team of skill, creativity, inspiration, motivation, and good old American know-how.  Together they will bring a little piece of the American dream to the millions of people who were adversely affected by Covid 19.


The road to becoming an entrepreneurial leader requires constant learning, the ability to find opportunities to develop, thoroughly researching and financing motivating and mobilizing others in the organization to do the same.  Those aspiring to success learn how to take control of their destinies and enable themselves to pursue their God-given right to success and happiness. The guide that Tony and Lorie will set forth shows novices to learn to work diligently and creatively to develop programs and innovative products to guarantee their success.

Tony and Lorie’s first books, “Closing 100% of Your Fitness Consultations” (Deoleo Digital Publishing LLC: https://tonydeoleo.com/product/closing-100-of-your-fitness-consultations-2/) https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B08CG7DYKX&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_AK7DQ9AAAPP9HMRE3NJM  and "The Art of Dealing" (Deoleo Digital Publishing LLC: https://tonydeoleo.com/product/the-art-of-dealing) https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B08KYKG9MT&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_CXCJKWAMBG2GGMM7DT2E respectively, serve as examples on how to apply the principles and techniques of the movement effectively to real-life entrepreneurship. Success is not an accident; it is a strategy developed through the passion for the well-being of our society and community development.


Media Contact

Deoleo Digital Publishing LLC tdeoleo@deoleodigitalpublishing.com 213- 315- 4995 506 S Spring St 13308-SMB 12282 Los Angeles, CA 90013 http://www.tonydeoleo.com/products

Source : Deoleo Public Relations

Categories : Government , Human resources , Open source , Publishing , Real Estate
Tags : entreprenuer , tonydeoleoauthor , casinos , dealerschol , thedailyshow , trevornoah , englandcricket , manilabaychallenge , dubai , KikiMelendez
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