A MarketPlace for Educational / Competency Services

  • A MarketPlace for Educational / Competency Services
  • A MarketPlace for Educational / Competency Services
  • A MarketPlace for Educational / Competency Services
  • A MarketPlace for Educational / Competency Services
  • A MarketPlace for Educational / Competency Services

Jakarta, Indonesia Jun 1, 2022 (Issuewire.com)  - Kompetensi Media is In the construction of Competency facilities/media, the concept of community empowerment is used to make the community the main actor in the process of planning, development, operation, and maintenance of Communal Competency facilities/media, with the aim that the facilities/media built can provide sustainable benefits. The concept uses the principles of development of educational materials, personal educators, and educational institutions such as informed choice as the basis for a needs-responsive approach, competence as a social and economic object, environmentally sound development, active community role, and the application of cost recovery principles.

What www.kompetensimedia.com do

Is a platform where education service actors gather and can offer to customers even without physically meeting them. www.kompetensimedia.com is to provide a platform where service providers and service users meet, where service users can see what products are offered. www.kompetensimedia.com The platform in the marketplace can be in the form of a website. All marketplace operations, including website management to payment methods, are facilitated by www.kompetensimedia.com. The basic concept of www.kompetensimedia.com is actually more or less the same as conventional education.

Where www.kompetensimedia.com is not responsible for the services offered. This is because the task of www.kompetensimedia.com is only to provide a place for service providers who want to do business and service users who are looking for educational / competency services with easy and fast transactions. If the service user is interested in using the service, the transaction will be arranged/facilitated by www.kompetensimedia.com, from the start of payment to the process of operating the service.

Our Expertise

 www.kompetensimedia.com has affiliations with several online education services or mentors in the fields of language, basic and general knowledge Educational advice forum affiliates are also available as an easy way to achieve competence through field experience.

Link web

Field Study/Fun School  https:/ www.kompetensimedia.com/p/h1.html

Paper Competent/Collaboration

https:/ www.kompetensimedia.com/p/h5_18.html

Educational Entertainment Videos/Video Hiburan Pendidikan

https:/ www.kompetensimedia.com/p/home.html


Media Contact

Kompetensi Media hotel4bisnis@gmail.com http://kompetensimedia.com
Categories : Services
Tags : Kompetensi Media , Education
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