Youth Shine,The Doctor-Recommended Dietary Supplements

  • Youth Shine,The Doctor-Recommended Dietary Supplements

San Francisco, California Jan 10, 2019 (  - Either on television, on billboards or in health magazines, everyone has already heard about dietary supplements. What are dietary supplements? Are they effective? Do they have any risks? And above all, how to choose good supplements?

Dietary supplements have numerous benefits on health; they are generally proposed in several forms: powder, capsules, tablets, or liquids. There are several types and it is essential to differentiate them.

Here are the reasons why consuming natural supplements is the best resolution you can have:

For their benefits on the body:

The primary goal of dietary supplements is to provide us with a micronutrients supplement like vitamins, minerals and sometimes also essential fatty acids, amino acids and other nutrients. These molecules are extracted from natural sources like fruits, vegetables, seeds or even seaweed.

Our diet is crucial to maintaining enough intake of vitamins, and the human body cannot synthesize them (except vitamin D, thanks to the sun’s rays). Nowadays, it often happens that the diet is not rich enough in nutrients. This is where dietary supplements will come in and provide us with the vitamins that our diet does not bring us in sufficient quantities. This applies to all the other micronutrients that are essential to the body.

It should be noted that each nutrient has its own characteristics and specific health benefits. The basic qualities of these molecules are to improve physical and mental health, increase resistance and strengthen the immune system. They boost energy and make you feel better in your body and your head. Micronutrients contained in food supplements are also known to burn calories because they improve metabolism. An example is an antioxidant effect of vitamin C and E, which make the skin and the hair visibly rejuvenated.

Food supplements are natural:

Many misconceptions surround dietary supplements. In the collective imagination, we tend to compare them to synthetic products even to pharmaceutical drugs. Youth Shine supplements are extracts of plants, fruits, vegetables or roots (or rhizome) that come in various forms (powder, tablets, capsules, etc.).

It must, therefore, be borne in mind that these are natural elements reduced to various forms to facilitate their take and improve their effectiveness on the functions of the body.

One of the advantages of dietary supplements is their ability to meet specific needs, which may vary depending on the individual. For example, for boosting immunity, one can opt for supplements with ginseng, spirulina, goji berry or fish oil.

There are particularly effective natural supplements for every need. Some will promote a better digestive comfort; others will optimize the assimilation of nutrients or the elimination of fat. Choose your supplements according to your objectives.

Dietary supplements have proven effectiveness:

This question comes up very often: Are food supplements effective? Fortunately, science has given us concrete and above all reliable answers. American and French studies (supervised by the World Health Organization) have highlighted the benefits of consumption of food supplements. Throughout the world, researchers are still trying to unravel the undiscovered benefits of plants and other elements of nature, to make us enjoy their virtues.

However, supplement consumers should be careful: The effectiveness of food supplements depends closely on the quality of these. Hence the interest of always taking the time to choose well and get them from professionals. Complements of poor quality will not bring you anything good. On the contrary, they will certainly bring you chemical compounds that can harm your health.

Supplements act synergistically with a healthy diet:

This is an important point to emphasize. Dietary supplements do not replace a healthy diet: they act synergistically with it. Before starting on a supplement, it is important to review the basics of your diet. Try asking these questions: How can I improve my diet? What foods should I stop using? Which ones should I favour?

These questions will help you define better habits and a healthier lifestyle. The latter will be more favourable to the consumption of food supplements. Do not expect to fill all your needs with supplements only. Choose a quality diet and complement it with Youth Shine natural supplements to enjoy their benefits on your body.

Youth Shine supplements are safe:

Dietary supplements are the subject of numerous clinical studies, which aim to determine their benefits and possible dangers. Certified supplements that meet the standards are the most effective, but also the safest.

In addition to safety, Youth Shine also focuses on other criteria that influence the effectiveness of the products such as the absorption capacity, also called bioavailability. This will make you enjoy the benefits of every nutrient contained in the products.

Which dietary supplements to choose?

Dietary supplements will play different roles on the body depending on the nature and concentration of the active ingredients. Orient your nutritional supplementation according to your deficiencies and desired effects. The different benefits are:

  • Dietary supplements for vitamin deficiency.
  • Dietary supplements to fight against fatigue.
  • Dietary supplements to improve your sports performance.
  • Dietary supplements to stimulate memory and concentration.
  • Dietary supplements for pregnant women.
  • Dietary supplements to cope with stress.
  • Dietary supplements to increase your immunity.

Refer to product descriptions to find out what benefits they offer you, what nutrients they contain, and how they produce their effects on your body.


Food supplements are products made to improve your intake of different nutrients. Quality products can have numerous effects if they are consumed properly.

Youth Shine offers products whose production and processing methods respect nature, the nutritional quality and above all the consumers. These products put the latest advances in science at the service of everyday well-being.


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Source : Youth Shine

Categories : Fitness , Health
Tags : Youth Shine , dietary supplements , Certified supplements
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