HI-10 is Portraying his Magical Rap Skills through the Latest Release ‘Hold On Back’

Experience the smooth beats and calm vocal presence of HI-10 in his latest track ‘Hold On Back’. His awesome performance will take you to the simpler times.

Los Angeles, California Oct 11, 2019 (Issuewire.com)  - Fusing mind-captivating vocal performance with a bright soundscape and bouncy beats, HI-10 showcases his prowess within the new track Hold On Back. This is the type of song which will simply draw the audience towards its magnetic impact. Either hear it at full volume or at a lower sound, the song will cast an identical impact on each occasion. The assorted layers of beats and also the sleek bass fall the scintillating scene that makes it as engaging as it can get. The track has utilized the contrastive factors in a noteworthy method that acts as the highlight of the entire set up.

The entertaining structure adds to the mildness of the flow. The track moves on from being melodically enthralling to consistently charming, inside seconds of its run. There are certain moments present within the track that provides a nostalgic feel. The classic beats accompany the smooth soundscape in keeping the minds of the listeners engaged. HI-10’s superb rap performance has made it a trending song on SoundCloud. The integrity present in his performance works well in making the audience see the whole image in an exceedingly clearer, brighter, and larger way. ‘Hold On Back’ is certainly in the league of the best songs of this year.

HI-10 has driven the entire storyline with a light yet effective vocal performance. His crisp and clean rap vocal is striking enough to keep the audience hooked. The instrumentation finishes the entire set up in a professional way. The track gradually builds up with intensity and passion and the concluding moments of the track make it a sure shot hit. There are plenty of elements present within the track that can help in making the flow groovy as well as enchanting. You can also experience these factors by following this awesome piece of talent on Instagram.


Check out to listen song 'Hold On Back' on SoundCloud :



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Music Promotion Club info@musicpromotion.club https://musicpromotion.club

Source : HI-10

Categories : Entertainment , Music
Tags : Hold On Back , HI-10 , HIPHOP , RAP , SoundCloud
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